In winter, whether it is plants or animals, in fact, are afraid of low-temperature injury, the temperature is too low will lead to a variety of unexpected conditions, and for pig farmers, want to raise pigs in winter, first of all, to understand the pig’s “five afraid”!

First, afraid of cold
The appropriate growth temperature of pigs, newborn piglets 32 ~ 35 ℃, nursery pigs 20 ~ 22 ℃, in the pig big pig 15 ~ 20 ℃. The impact of low temperature on pig growth and weight gain is more serious, when the temperature of the pig house is lower than the lower limit of the appropriate temperature, every 1 ℃, the daily weight loss of 17 grams or so; if the temperature drops to 4 ℃ or less, the rate of weight loss of 50 ﹪, increase feed consumption more than 1 times.

Second, afraid of moisture
Appropriate growth humidity of different pigs, piglets 50 ~ 70 ﹪, 40 ~ 80 kilograms of fattening pigs 70 ﹪, 80 ~ 110 kilograms of fattening pigs 80 ﹪, breeding sows 55 ~ 80 ﹪. The average weight gain of piglets in the barn with high relative humidity in winter is about 48﹪ lower than that of the control group, and the piglets are prone to dysentery, enteritis, induced paratyphoid fever and other diseases. It can be solved by ventilation, increasing sunlight and laying dry bedding.

Third, afraid of cold
When the water temperature, material temperature 0 ℃, the water, material temperature to the body temperature of 39 ℃ level, the pig body to consume 682 ~ 878 kcal of heat energy, which is equal to 0.5 ~ 0.75 kilograms of concentrate feed per day is consumed in vain to maintain body temperature. Therefore, in the winter feeding piglets and sows, it is best to feed warm materials and warm water, the temperature to 37 ℃ or so appropriate.

Fear of wind
Pigs in winter are afraid of “through the wind” and “thief wind”, which will not only reduce the temperature of the house, but also easily cause colds, strokes, rheumatism and other diseases. In winter, the pig house must block the wind hole, hang curtains, close the doors and windows, to prevent the “wind” blowing in, affecting the growth and development of pigs.

Fifth, fear of disease
If the winter barn temperature is low, high humidity, poor hygiene, ventilation and lighting is not good, pigs are prone to disease. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the feeding management, keep the enclosure ventilated, clean and dry, and regularly disinfect the enclosure, and at the same time, we should do to observe the form, observe the spirit, observe the pro-zmo food, observe the feces and urine, observe the respiration, and once a pig is sick, it should be diagnosed in time, and isolate and treat as early as possible.

In summary, the winter pig “five fear”, only to understand these winter pig need to pay attention to what, in order to better go to raise pigs.

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