Introduction: for people who raise pigs, in addition to cleaning and feeding pigs every day, but also to deal with the basic measures of pig diseases that have methods. Especially with the infectious nature of pig disease, once the control is not appropriate, it is easy to cause extensive losses. But don’t panic when you encounter this situation, you must know how to deal with it correctly to best minimize losses. Sometimes a panic, it is easy to make some mistakes. The following is to talk to you about the emergency treatment of pigs after illness.

First, must be isolated

Many diseases are actually infectious in nature, such as fever, but some people tend to ignore the point of isolation. Most of them are a fluke, think the pig just simply have a small disease, give him a shot and feed a little medicine, it looks as if it is doing well. In fact, it is important to note that the disease is with the incubation period, until the collective outbreak of the time, in isolation that is too late.

Generally speaking, a column of pigs if there is a sick, then, to hurry to isolate, and he and the same column of pigs should also do a good job of prevention, and do not have contact with other pigs.

Second, measure the body temperature

When the pig appears the disease must pay attention to measure the body temperature, this is the most basic data, to see whether it belongs to the fever or belongs to other conditions, if it is a fever, it is likely to be infected, this time must be isolated quickly with medicine. And record the temperature change of the pig, when the time to ask the veterinarian and other people to introduce the symptoms are also clearer.

Third, the medicine should be used thoroughly

Generally speaking, most of the medicine is to use a cycle, for example, a certain kind of medicine needs to eat seven days, but you feel that the pig only ate three days on the good, the back will not be used. In fact, this idea is wrong, if the germs do not kill him thoroughly, in the body will produce resistance, in which case the next recurrence out of the medicine may not be so obvious effect.

Fourth, be patient

To the pigs must have patience when treating the disease, can not say that I hope a needle down immediately have an effect. Some people are particularly anxious to see the medicine for two days or this way, no improvement, and then change a doctor for a little bit of other drugs to eat, we must know that the treatment of disease is a process.

The above is about pig sick pig farmers emergency treatment and prevention points, in the face of pig sick, many novice pig farmers will be a little overwhelmed, to know, at this time must not panic, for the emergency treatment mentioned above, the conditions of the best to find professional veterinarians for diagnosis and treatment.

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