1. Ectopic fermentation bed treatment technology
    • The ectopic fermentation bed treatment technology is a technology that integrates the harmless treatment and resource utilization of manure. The main principle is to use equipment such as fermentation beds, turning tools, and sewage collection tanks, and then use some stable and highly active microorganisms. Composite bacteria also convert pig manure into organic fertilizer through high-temperature fermentation, providing nutrients for the cultivation of fruits and vegetables. This technology does not discharge sewage to the outside world and does not attract mosquitoes. It has low investment costs, a small area and is simple and convenient to operate. It can effectively turn waste into treasure and play a role in promoting healthy breeding and green development of animal husbandry. important promotion effect.
    • The ectopic fermentation bed treatment technology does not require the modification of the original housing. It only needs to set up reasonable fermentation equipment in a low-lying and close place outside the house. The farmed animals do not need to come into contact with the fermentation bed, effectively avoiding the spread of germs. The size of the fermentation bed should be reasonably designed according to the scale of the farm, but its height should not exceed 2 m. The fermentation temperature is generally set at around 60°C, and the fermentation time is 48 h. The main process of this technology is to concentrate the manure in the sewage collection tank and stir it. Through the spray device and the turning equipment, the manure is evenly and orderly sprayed on the bedding material of the fermentation bed prepared in advance, every 30 kg of manure requires about 1 m3 of litter. The material of the litter is generally corn stalks, chaff or sawdust. High-temperature resistant microbial complex bacteria are added to completely mix the litter, bacteria and manure, so that the litter can be fully mixed. During the fermentation process, the litter can be replenished according to the actual consumption of the pig farm. The crude fat, crude protein, urea, starch, etc. in pig manure are degraded into decay matrix, water, CO2 and O2. The odor of manure is eliminated, and the water evaporates into organic fertilizer.

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