Good heat preservation and insulation measures in pig houses may mean more investment, but this can protect the pigs from production losses under extreme climate conditions, especially in nursery houses. Good production conditions may have a major impact on survival rates and other factors. Production indicators have a significant impact, thereby improving the economic benefits of the entire pig farm. Therefore, the pig house must be well insulated.

  1. Prepare the roof of the pig house The thermal insulation design of the pig house’s outer envelope can prevent or weaken the combined effects of solar radiation heat and high temperature. The focus of pig house insulation design is on the roof. You can increase the thermal resistance of the roof, build a multi-layer roof, build a roof with an air layer, use light-colored and smooth materials for the roof to enhance its ability to reflect sunlight, etc. Multiple methods.
  2. Set up the roof canopy In the outer enclosure structure of the pig house, the roof loses the most heat, so it is extremely important to set up a ceiling. The thermal resistance of the insulation material laid on the ceiling must be high, and it must be of sufficient thickness and compacted. It is best to build a ceiling when building a pig house. The ceiling can be made of wooden boards, reeds and other materials. Wooden boards are used as ceilings, and cuts are made on both sides of the boards. After the ceiling is paved, it is coated with asphalt for anti-corrosion. When using reeds as a ceiling, remove the leaves, tie them into 5 to 10 cm thick reed straws or curtains with wires, apply mud on them, and add 20 to 30 cm of sawdust, rice husks, perlite, etc. for insulation Layer, you can also use 10 cm thick high-density benzene board, the effect is better. In this way, the hot air outside the house cannot directly enter the house due to the insulation layer, and the hot air inside the house cannot escape from the ceiling, which plays a role in keeping warm.
  3. Pay attention to the thickness of the wall The wall must have a certain thickness. The heat loss of the wall is second only to the roof. Ordinary red brick walls must be thick enough. Replacing ordinary bricks with hollow bricks or aerated concrete blocks, using hollow walls or filling the hollow walls with insulation materials can improve the efficiency of the pig house. Cold protection and thermal insulation ability. The vast majority of pig houses have solid walls. If they are solid walls, the wall thickness is required to be at least 37 walls. The second and fourth walls are too thin and cannot play a very good role in thermal insulation. This results in a large temperature difference between the inside and outside of the house in winter and early spring, causing condensation on the wall under the window sill. The climbing area of ​​the pig pen is damp every day, affecting the pigs. Rest and increase the humidity in the house. The best way is to add a layer of insulation material to the wall, such as perlite or high-density benzene board, which has the best insulation effect. If perlite is added, it is required to build two walls. The two walls are composed of one layer of two-fourth wall and one layer of vertical bricks. The perlite is placed in the middle interlayer. Of course, benzene boards can also be placed in the middle interlayer. The styrene board can also be pasted on the outer surface of the second and fourth walls, and then a layer of cement covering can be applied.
  4. Strengthen ground insulation measures Although the heat loss from the ground is less than that of other external protective structures, since pigs move directly on the ground, it is of great significance to strengthen the thermal insulation capacity of the ground. In order to facilitate the cleaning and disinfection of pig houses and prevent pigs from digging, the floors of pig houses are mostly cement floors, but the cement floors are cold and hard, so floors or bedding can be added to the lying area. Bricks can also be used to build an insulating floor, but the cost is slightly higher. Insulation of pig farms is not only a matter in the north, but is also needed in the south. Because from the perspective of the roof, in hot summer, if the roof is not insulated, the sunlight from the top of the house will be directly transmitted to the inside of the house, causing the temperature inside the house to increase a lot. If the roof is well insulated, the temperature inside the house will be It won’t increase too quickly.
  5. Make sure the orientation of doors and windows Before winter, seal the east and west gates with insulation. There are strong northwest winds in winter. Closing the east and west gates can prevent air convection and prevent cold air from entering and warm air from escaping. Breeders and pigs all go through the south gate, which has an inner door bucket to prevent cold air from entering the pig house directly. Generally, a 50-meter-long sow house only has one south door. A 100-meter-long sow house can have 2-3 south doors. Each south door is 1.8 meters high and 1.5 meters wide. Two “Sanqi doors” can be made. “If it is a wooden door, tinplate nails should be nailed to the middle and lower parts of the wooden door to increase the firmness and prevent mice from entering.

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