In pig production, tail biting often occurs in pig farms. Tail biting has a great impact on the normal operation of pig farms. Tail biting can cause slow growth of pigs, low feed conversion rate, and prolonged market time (tail biting can reduce daily weight gain by about 5% during the entire fattening period). Tail biting can also cause bacterial infection and increase the possibility of pigs suffering from diseases. For example, tail biting can cause local ketone body abscesses and spinal abscesses in pigs, which not only affect the appearance, but also increase the injury rate of pigs. 1. Causes of pig tail biting Tail biting occurs in various types of breeding systems. Whether it is intensive breeding or small-scale breeding, as long as pigs live in a group, tail biting will occur. It can be seen that the reasons for tail biting are complex, and the problem of tail biting in intensive breeding is the most serious. One point can show that the lack of sufficient activity space and monotonous living conditions are the main reasons for tail biting in intensive pig farms. Why do pigs bite their tails? If pigs are allowed to roam freely on the land, they will not bite their tails, because their nature is released and they can use their noses to dig the soil whenever they want, without restraint. In the state of confinement, the growth space is limited, and the daily lifestyle is the same, eating and sleeping, boring and monotonous. The most important thing is that their nature cannot be released, and the small tails shaking behind their companions will become the target of their curiosity and pursuit. This is the main reason for the frequent tail biting in pig farms. The reasons for pig tail biting are also related to feed, water and feeding restrictions, feed formula, environment, weather, pig health and genetics. 2. Types of pig tail biting 1. Tail biting caused by lack of materials to kill time Pigs are actually animals with high IQs. They need to spend some time to entertain themselves every day. The boring life all day will make them depressed, and occasionally they will suck their companions’ tails for fun. At first, pig tail biting may be an unconscious behavior, but once the bleeding is bitten, it will stimulate the enthusiasm of pigs to bite their tails. To control this type of tail biting, you can provide materials that can kill time to consume their energy, such as placing wooden sticks, chains, grass balls and other toys in the pen. If the pigs have something to entertain themselves, there will be fewer tail biting. 2. Tail biting caused by competition for resources This situation is mostly sudden and has a certain group nature. For example, if there is a sudden water or power outage in the pig house, insufficient feeding space, or sudden weather changes, it may cause tail biting in pigs. Once tail biting caused by competition for resources occurs, it will have a great impact on the entire pig herd, because it is a group tail biting situation. If this situation is found, measures should be taken immediately to ensure sufficient resources for the pig herd. 3. Tail biting caused by a single pig In the feeding and management of pig farms, we will encounter such a situation. Some individual pigs are particularly keen on tail biting for some reason. This kind of pig is very aggressive, and the bitten pigs often scream continuously. It can be said to be a black sheep among pigs. If individual pigs are found biting their tails, they should be stopped in time. Pigs that refuse to change their ways should be caught, confined and raised separately.

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