The quality of piglets is directly related to the speed of weight gain, feed utilization rate and disease resistance of piglets in the growth and fattening period. Therefore, to raise good pigs, we must attach great importance to the selection of high-quality piglets.

(i) Choose piglets from the same litter and large in size. When buying pigs, it is best to choose piglets from the same litter, because pigs from the same litter do not fight, can live in harmony, are easy to raise, and grow fast. It is best to choose larger ones, because the smallest in a litter is generally weak.

(ii) Look at the mental state. Healthy piglets have big eyes, are lively and active, feel fear when seeing people, stand up quickly, stand naturally, walk lightly, and look around vigilantly when seeing strangers approaching.

(iii) Observe the feeding and drinking conditions. The appetite of healthy piglets is proportional to their daily weight gain. When feeding, they show hunger, scream, scramble to eat, put their mouths into the bottom of the food trough, swallow big mouthfuls, and make rhythmic and crisp crunching sounds. They eat vigorously and drink water regularly after eating.

(IV) Look at the tail posture when standing. When healthy pigs stand, the tip of their tails curls and swings rhythmically and freely. When sick pigs stand, their tails hang down and do not move.

(V) Look at the head. The head is large and wide, the mouth is short and wide, the nostrils are large, the nose disc is moist, the conjunctiva is pink, and there is no secretion.

(VI) Look at the development of various parts of the body. Normally developed pigs have plump muscles, a strong and sturdy physique, and a moderate body length.

(VII) Look at feces, urine, anus and tail. The excrement falls to the ground in clumps, is loose, soft, moist, and has a cone shape. The urine is light or light yellow. There is no contamination and dry feces around the anus, otherwise it means that the pig breed suffers from digestive diseases such as diarrhea. The tail is thick and short, swinging left and right constantly.

(VIII) Look at the legs. The limbs are wide and strong, the limbs are high, and the chest is wide.

(IX) Look at the breathing situation. Healthy piglets breathe deeply, parallel, and the airflow is even. The frequency of exhalation is 10 to 20 times per minute.

(X) Listen to the call. Grab its ears and listen to its call. The call of healthy piglets is crisp. If the call is hoarse or low and short, or there is a wheeze in some pigs, it is a sick pig.

(XI) Weigh the pig. Generally, a pig with normal growth and development should weigh 15 to 20 kilograms 50 to 60 days after birth. The heavier the weight, the more significant the weight gain during the subsequent development and fattening period.

(XII) Understand the parent breed of the piglets. Excellent breeds have the advantages of fast growth and development, high feed utilization rate, strong disease resistance, good adaptability, easy breeding and high breeding returns. If the parent pigs are of poor breed and do not grow and develop well, their piglets will also grow and develop poorly and will not produce much meat.

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