Introduction:Today to teach you a trick through the pig’s body surface performance, to understand whether the pig is healthy. You know, pig farms are full of capable people, or time, experience. These old people are often able to judge how the state of the pig is through some small details.

In fact, through the skin hair on the pig’s body surface, you can see a lot of problems, greatly reducing the delay after the emergence of the problem, the problem can be resolved in a timely manner to reduce the economic losses of pig farms.

First, the healthy pig skin hair is fine and smooth and shiny, soft, elastic, and immediately recovered after pulling the skin up and down by hand. Coarse and fluffy fur, lack of luster, mostly for the lack of blood, malnutrition signs; suffering from chronic diseases or endoparasites, the hair is rough and light, dry and easy to break; eczema or external parasites, the affected part of the hair loss, skin thickening, hardening, abrasion, gnawing traces and so on.

Second, look at the pig’s whole body skin color, temperature, elasticity, to see whether there is bleeding spots papules, necrotic foci, scabs, swelling, especially pay attention to the mouth, nose, ears, under the abdomen, inner abdomen, vulva and anus skin lesions.

Third, if the skin is pale, it is the phenomenon of all kinds of anemia; the skin turns blue-purple, it is the circulatory disorders, the performance of bruising; the skin has hemorrhagic spots, indicating that the microvessels are damaged, it may be septicemia infectious disease; the skin is yellow for jaundice; point or strip hemorrhagic redness, finger pressure does not fade, commonly found in swine fever.

Fourth, if the skin patchy congestive redness, press the decoloration, mainly seen in swine lung disease; if you see block polygonal, congestive redness, finger pressure decoloration, mainly seen in swine dengue; if the skin is fat, flaky, itchy, mostly for the pig mange symptoms; if the hair is coarse and messy, lack of luster, the hair is easy to fall out, mostly chronic diseases; if the hair is against the stand for the early stage of the cold or heat disease.

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