Introduction: Now in the cold winter, winter pig farm management and other seasons are still different, winter temperatures are lower, and the right temperature is extremely important for pig breeding. Below is a brief study and understanding of the six precautions for winter pig farming.

First, try not to change the material

Due to the low temperature in winter, the possibility of pig stress is greatly increased, so we should try to minimize the factors that lead to pig stress. Among the many factors, the change of feed is the most common one, so we have to supply pigs with high-quality stable feed for a long time to avoid the discomfort caused by the change of feed to the pigs.

Second, do not feed cold food

Winter feeding to pigs, do not feed wet food, if you must feed wet food, never mix with cold water, it is best to use warm water above 30 ℃, so that the pig’s stomach and intestines are good. In addition, in order to ensure the normal digestion of the pig, each time the pig feeding should not add too much, you can feed less diligently, to ensure that the freshness and heat of the feed.

Third, do not drink cold water

Winter is the driest season of the year, so the pig’s demand for water is higher than other seasons. In terms of drinking water, in order to avoid pigs from getting sick, it is best not to give the pig drinking cold water, but should supply it with warm water. Of course, you can also add the right amount of glucose in the drinking water to supplement energy.

Fourth, pay attention to prevent low temperature

In a year, the slowest growth of pigs is the winter season, and in the winter to small cold and cold two seasons on the most serious impact on the pig, because these two seasons are the coldest time of the year. So the insulation of the pig house in winter is very important to promote the growth and development of pigs. Otherwise, if you don’t grow meat, you won’t be able to ensure the benefits of farming.

Fifth, the pig house should be dry

Compared with dry and cold, wet and cold for the animal body is more obvious. So we must ensure that the pig house is dry, feces removed in a timely manner, to avoid the accumulation of liquid in the pig house. If necessary, you can also place quicklime around the pig house to absorb moisture.

Sixth, prevent cold wind into the house

Winter pigsty should be insulated, but also regularly ventilated to ensure air quality in the pigsty, but also pay attention to avoid the cold wind invasion of the pigsty, which led to the pig suffered from a cold.

The above six precautions, in the winter breeding process need to pay extra attention, what else do you want to add?

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